We recently asked our volunteers for some of their thoughts on The Scheme. Some of their answers really do capture what we do and why we do it…:
Why did you volunteer for The Scheme?
• I have the time and give back a wee bit to the community I live in.
• To help the community that we live in.
• To help people less able than myself.
• Thought about it for a few years. A member of The Scheme explained what happened... How better to spend some free time!
Why do you continue to support The Scheme?
• I relied on the public to support my business during my working life. It is an opportunity to give something back.
• I have spare time and enjoy driving. I am able to use these to transport folk with no cars especially from rural areas.
• Like meeting and helping those who cannot get about so easily and who are unable to drive or have difficulty walking.
• I would like to think that The Scheme will be around to support myself when I need help.
What do you think The Scheme means to its members?
• It is a lifeline to get about.
• It’s a vital system as the public services cannot meet all needs
• Helpful to folk who don’t have their own transport, especially in rural areas.
• Members are always so grateful for our help; they like to share their news with us and get to know the drivers.
Thank you to all of our volunteers, without whom we couldn't support so many people to live a more independent life.